Student Projects

2020 - 2021

Unnamed Infant Poem
Students at Solomon Schechter School

Unnamed Child
The Witness Stones Project at KO
Movies Witness Stones 2020

Prut's name etched in the War Memorial -

Memorial Day - Prut

Student Proposal to rename New Street to West Hartford Town Council

Proposal to Rename New Street after Peleg Nott

Comments :

"There is something about Chloe and Ransom’s story that pinpoints a specific personalized human moment that disrupts the narrative of what freedom meant and looked like to formerly enslaved people in the North, specifically. " Community Member April 2021

"Thanks for sharing this interesting body of work with us. It is very well done; informative, creative and inspiring. I am impressed by the research and work that had to be part of these presentations.

Thanks to the students, teachers and Witness Stone participants that made this happen." JJ

"What an amazing letter written by students who have taken their Witness Stones work to a distinctive level. Good for them, good for your project and good for the town of West Hartford. I am heartened to think their request might be honored by the town council, as it should be." KJ